On that day, I remember...
Receiving a phone call from my husband, saying that we were under attack.
I remember actually laughing, thinking it was a joke. I think I even laughingly replied ‘Yeah, right, like that's even possible’…
I remember hearing the fear in his voice and at his urgent insistence, turning on the television just in time to see the second plane hit.
I remember the chills that overtook me, and clutching my child close to me, I sat in horror to watch as the events unfolded.
I remember being glued to the television, and the feeling of being shaken to my very core.
Fear like I had never felt before overtook me.
Never, in my years of being an American, never in ALL of my life, had I ever feared for my safety, or the safety of my family.
I never imagined or given thought to the possibility; that people outside of my limited sphere and selfish view of the world would ever think to impose harm upon the citizens of this great nation.
As an American, I had simply taken that security for granted, and I was readily reminded on that day, on 9/11/2001, how fortunate we are to live in a country where security and safety are as abundant as the very air that we breathe.
My heart broke several times over the course of that eventful day, and the days that followed.
I clearly remember the first man that appeared on television, holding a photo of his loved one, bold enough to make a plea to anyone who could hear him, the desperation and despair showing in his sad eyes.
Slowly, one after the other appeared, some hopeful, others hopeless, looking for a sign that their loved one had made it out of the buildings alive, and then...
Down the buildings came.
My heart sank, the realization that all hope was
lost for those who had possibly survived the impacts, knowing that they were gone forever, as the buildings came crashing down.
The events of 9/11 woke me up and made me face the things that I took for granted about this wonderful country...
That the freedom that was a normal to me as waking up in the morning, driving to work, attending church, that freedom came with a cost.
My heart swelled with pride, as a nation pulled together, as we regained our sense of patriotism, flying flags and showing that we were all the same color, we were one nation, under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all. Our Nationality – Red, White and Blue.
I remember having my world changed forever in a surreal and dream like instant, and I choose to NEVER forget the sacrifice SO many made, on that day, and every day since then to protect my freedom, the freedom that I never gave thought to, that I took for granted, and even embarrassing as it is to admit, that I took with a sense of arrogant entitlement.
I am so thankful for the sacrifices that were, and continue to be made so that I can continue to live in this WONDERFUL country...the land of free, and the home of the BRAVE.