Thursday, December 25, 2008

"A Thrill Of Hope, The Weary World Rejoices..."

As the holidays drew near, I was in a real funk, and I couldn't put my finger on the reason why I would feel so sad. I felt like a true scrooge, because no matter how I tried, I couldn't shake the sadness I felt.

Sparkly Holiday CheerAs I drove to the company that I worked for at the time, I turned on the radio, to the Christian Station that I always listen to. Listening to a Christian Radio station has always been very healing for me, a quiet time where I can pray, and focus on Him. Our time. No cell phone, no interruptions.

I can't begin to count the number of times that I have received the answer to a prayer, through a broadcasted sermon, or a song.

While I was listening to the radio, I began to pray for God to show me the reason for my sadness, and during my prayer, a listener called in to the radio station and began to talk about the song "O, Holy Night." She explained how the words had really touched her heart, and requested that the song be played.

Something in her voice made me stop praying, and I listened to her testimony, as the song began to play. I hate to admit it, but as many times as I have heard this song, that day was the first time that I really heard the words.

As I listened, the words of the song began to truly minister to my sadness.

Long lay the world in sin and error pining,
Till He appear'd and the soul felt its worth.
A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices,
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.

As I heard these words, I begin to weep. I apologized to God for forgetting what the season, the season of our saviours birth was truly about. I apologized to him for taking his blessings for granted. For just expecting him to hand me everything I asked for.

I remembered the day that I was truly saved. How grateful I was for having someone love me enough, that they would lay down their life for mine. I remember the day that my soul felt its worth.

In that alone time with Him, my joy was restored.

Regardless of the circumstances you may face this holiday season, especially in this time of economic uncertainty - remember to turn to your loved ones, and enjoy the only thing that money will NEVER be able to buy...

The love and support of your family, because as the good word says....LOVE...never fails.

2008 has been an interesting year. I have lacked for nothing, and gained so much more. Character, strength, trust. It has been very scary at times, and I have been filled with fear. We have struggled at times, but, God has never failed me. He has rewarded me with much more than money could ever buy.

A knowledge of my worth, in his eyes. And that is priceless.

Here is the song - Enjoy! And may God bless your holiday season, pressed down, shaken together, and running over with his grace.

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