Friday, February 13, 2009

TraVerus Scam! The Truth About TraVerus Travel

I decided to write this blog about the

Traverus Scam

because I wanted to clear up some misconceptions about Traverus and the notion that Traverus is a scam.

What I have found in my experience with Traverus is this: Success comes at a price, and that "price" is hard work.

If you're looking for information about Traverus and whether or not Traverus is a scam, I'm glad that you found my blog. I am a real person, and I work from home.

I am making money, and I love what I do.

I found Traverus by accident. Plain and simple. I had left Corporate America after watching a close friend and co-worker get cheated out of a $500,000 pension, lifetime health and retirement benefits one week prior to his retirement.

This is a man who started the company in the bloom of his youth, in fact when he started, he had no grey hair. When the company that I worked for fired him, he was completely grey.

What a wakeup call! I decided that I was not going to allow Corporate America to take one more minute away from me, my family, or my children. They would not take my YOUTH away, and leave me empty handed, when I needed them the most.

I could not imagine giving away any more than I already had, only to have the company that I had given my all to conspire to steal what was rightfully mine, only to replace me with someone younger, and willing to work for less.

I walked away from a six figure income and gained something so much more...MY LIFE.

There is a saying that goes something like this: When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.

What exactly does that mean? It means that when the pain of staying exactly where you are is too great, you'll do something about it. You'll do whatever it takes to alleviate that pain.

Is it enough that you hate your job, or where you are at life? That question can only be answered by YOU.

The pain of staying where I was, and allowing myself to be used, manipulated and discarded when I was no longer of any value to a company was ENOUGH for me to say I'm done.

I'm free, and I answer to no boss but myself. And that my friends, is priceless.

Thank you TraVerus - For giving me back my LIFE.

If you have any questions before making the decision to join TraVerus, I would be honored to help. Have a blessed week, pressed down, and running over with his grace.

Here is a link to my story - Why I Chose TraVerus

Learn more about a home based travel career with


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